Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Cry out for understanding and allow the Holy Spirit to draw this line of demarcation between walking in the Spirit versus walking in the flesh.
May you decide to be deeply planted in Jesus, it's a precious sermon. Don't you want your roots to be in Jesus?
What does this practical walk with Jesus look like?
Willing to become that productive soil for Jesus?
Pastor Ray continues the illumination of the parable of the sower in Luke Chapter 8. The key to the parable of the sower is a willingness to suffer, as we deny ourselves take up our cross and follow Jesus.
Have you made that decision to be good soil with the full realization that it will cost everything for that to happen.
Will you earnestly cry out to Jesus for Him to reign down righteousness upon America...
“Unless Christianity receives a new enthusiasm that sweeps the Western world, and Christianity itself rises up against the forces against it,” Michael Savage said, “the entire West will collapse in your lifetime.”
Today's sermon is dedicated to a dear one, who has by God's grace been planted in Jesus. I pray that this message is an encouragement to those planted in Jesus,
Listen to the broadcast and cry out for understanding as to what it means to walk with Jesus.
There are many remarkable things about James Turner's walk with Jesus but the chief one is his brutal honesty before God and to himself. There's no real heart change without this transparency.
Listen to the message and resolve in your heart to go all the way through to victory with Jesus Christ, despite whatever suffering and difficulties you may face, Jesus is worth it!