The Suffering Servant

Willing to become that productive soil for Jesus?
04-21-2016 The Suffering Servant (Luke 8 and Hebrews 2) - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

In today’s broadcast, the fourth in a series on the impending judgment of God upon America using the four soils described in the parable of the sower, Pastor Ray talks about the last two kinds of soil using Luke 8. We must not only choose to be separated from all sin but we must be divorced from it. Victory will not come from a trial separation from sin. This divorce will bring intense suffering, along with great joy and peace as well. Cry out for understanding because Jesus intent for your heart and mine is to destroy all the works of the devil. Let Jesus bring you through into full victory by the power of His mighty blood. Refuse to no longer comfort yourself in anything the devil would throw your way and endure whatever suffering is necessary to be fully planted in Jesus.