Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
What does the evidence of your life show that you're offering yourself to? Are you being set apart for the kingdom of heaven?
Is the focus of your life on being a new creature by Jesus' power? Do you need to change your focus?
Do you need help in your desire to be crucified with Christ? If so, this message will be extremely helpful to your walk with Jesus.
Are you willing to meet the conditions for being able to enter heaven?
Will you ask yourself this question "Do You Fear God" and how has affected your relationship with Jesus?
You are as good as dead unless God intervenes on your behalf. Are you willing to seek Jesus and ask Him to remove your sin through the blood of Jesus.
Pastor Ray uncovers the hiding place of False grace. He uses many of the scriptures that have been used this week on the live broadcasts.
On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Pastor Ray focuses upon the real gospel of Jesus? Listen to it closely as he goes through Romans 5 and some other pertinent scriptures today.
If you will prayerfully and carefully consider the message today, you can be set free, the choice is yours.
On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Pastor Ray continues our study of Romans, focusing on the deadliness of sin.
It will kill you if it goes on unabated, but you can change this situation by siding with Jesus against your sin.
Pastor Ray kicks off a fresh new study of Romans and he'll be sharing many new revelations given to him by the Holy Spirit, as we go along.
Is the danger of self-love apparent in your life? Are you willing to give this to Jesus and ask Him to change you?