Oldest to Newest Messages

Are You A Backslider?

Are you willing to ask the question as to whether or not you have backslid? It’s a vital question to

Deliverance From Egypt – 2012

This message is about the process that will take all of us, sometimes multiple times if necessary. Do you desire

The Entrance Into the Kingdom of God

Have you entered through the narrow gate? Is the living water flowing from within you?

Moving Into The Stillness Of God

Today’s message is a powerful message focusing primarily upon 1 John Chapter 3 and 1 John Chapter 2. Let Jesus

When Our Hearts Condemn Us

Has your heart been turned aside due to condemnation from the devil? If you can answer yes, this message will

You Do Not Know Who You Are Dealing With

We have the devil on one side and the Lord God Almighty on the other. Make your decision to stand

Good Digging, Meeting Conditions

If we’re going to come into what Jesus has for us, we must keep digging and go all the way

The Death Of The Professional Christian

Who are the “professional Christians” that Pastor Ray referenced in the title. Is it possible that this could be you?

The Choking Christian

What type of Christian are you dear one? Pastor continues to walk us through the four soils today. Are you

The Crown Is Before You

Have you decided to give up and into the control of Jesus and everything you have and your life is

GOOD SOIL, The Mystery

Listen to today’s message as Pastor Ray through the Holy Spirit unfolds the mystery of good soil from the parable

A Child is Born – 2004

Today’s message is an emphatic reminder of what happens when Jesus shows up in the life of a man, woman,

Kingdom Business – 2008

Find out today what it means to be focused upon kingdom business today!

The Great Seduction

Find out on today’s podcast what the greatest seduction is to a Christian and to one that has been called

Go For Your Dream

The lie to “go for your dream” is uncovered today. Have you believed this lie from the heart of Satan?

The Greatest Temptation

The temptation to be god is the most powerful one and something we have accepted as normative for a Christian,

The Courage To Pray

Join us for another Friday prayer meeting held earlier this afternoon. Do you have courage to pray in the midst

New Beginning of Obedience to God

Do you want union with Jesus? If your answer is yes, this message will be very beneficial to your walk

A New Beginning of Obedience to Jesus (from 2017)

Isn’t it time to be fully surrendered Jesus for real in every area of your life? If not now, when??

Crisis Sanctification

Our great need of entire sanctification is oftentimes blocked by our defensiveness. Listen closely to Pastor Ray’s message today.

You Can Enter Into Jesus

Are you willing to enter into Jesus through real repentance or are you are like Saul with your excuses?