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Love Is Strong as Death

Do your actions and words show that your love for Jesus is as unyielding as the grave?

2-14-2017 Love Is Strong as Death - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

“Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave” (Song of Solomon 8:6). This is how Jesus wants us to feel about him. The Christian faith isn’t about “doing it right” or “believing the right way”–it’s about being transformed into a new creature by the blood of Jesus Christ. The normal Christian life is oneness with Jesus: a soul freed from all rebellion and sin, and filled with hunger and love for Jesus. We may follow Jesus while trapped in the cycle of “sin and repent,” but we will not be one with Jesus. Do your actions and words show that your love for Jesus is as unyielding as the grave?

In preparation for tomorrow’s broadcast, Pastor Ray suggests reading the book of Malachi, Hebrews 10, and Romans 6.