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Experiencing the Holy Spirit

Will you, like Brother Finney, determine to completely give yourself to God, or die trying?

4-06-2017 Experiencing the Holy Spirit - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

Have you wondered, “What does entire sanctification look like?” Pastor Ray finishes this week’s doctrinal teachings on this subject with a reading from Charles Finney’s “Conversion to Christ,” found in the memoirย Holy Spirit Revivals. In the same day, this dear brother was first born again, then baptized in the Holy Spirit of liquid love and soul-winning power. God’s heart is to do this work in each of his children, including you. As in the apostles’ days, this experience of the Holy Spirit must again become common in the church before the unconverted world will find the cross. Will you, like Brother Finney, determine to completely give yourself to God, or die trying?