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Do NOT Give Up!

Today's message is chalked full of scriptures and preaching on the great need of prayer. We generally don't pray unless we have to, are you desperate enough?
7-31-2024  Do Not Give Up

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Luke 17:11-19, Luke 18, Matthew 6:9-13

Pastor Ray begins by distinquishing what happened in Jesus day vs. our day using the passages of scriptures laid out above during the introduction to today’s message. How do we pray and not give up? Pastor Ray answers that question through the parable of the importunate widow and also in a brief summation of the Lord’s prayer.

Real prayer begins with a confession of our own hearts and subsequent repentance and once complete we can proceed into intercession for others. He goes through this subject of prayer very directly and clearly. Are you willing to come before Jesus and ask Him to deal with your heart, so that he can answer your prayers for others, for the lost and dying, for the sick and neglected? Will you cry out to Jesus to make you into an intercessor? It’s a must-listen broadcast today on the topic and necessity of prayer.