Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
What is God's purpose, isn't that more important than your own personal agenda?
Are you willing to ask Jesus to unsin you?
What does the church need more than anything simply to hear the word for what it says than obey it...
Today, will you honestly face John Bunyan's question, "Wilt thou leave thy sins and go to heaven, or have thy sins and go to hell?"
Has the law, by faith in Christ, been totally fulfilled in your heart? Are you, like the parents, pleading with God for the guilty–or, like the son, will you come to the date of your execution in rebellion and proud disdain, protesting your innocence?
The church, Jesus' bride will overcome and be forever holy. The question is whether you'll be a part of the bride?
The seeds of destruction have created an "inclusive" gospel that no longer rebukes sin or legalistic righteousness that's full of rigidity, with no underlying power.
The reality of the modern church is that Ichabod has been written over much of the church and yet most of unaware that the Holy Spirit has withdrawn and their lampstand has been removed.
Will you earnestly cry out to Jesus for Him to reign down righteousness upon America...
“Unless Christianity receives a new enthusiasm that sweeps the Western world, and Christianity itself rises up against the forces against it,” Michael Savage said, “the entire West will collapse in your lifetime.”
What are the consequences of turning from our Creator? Find out today as Pastor Ray takes a closer look.
It's quite sad but true may you weep as the prophets of old did at a message like this.