Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Are you a new creature in Christ Jesus? If not, the Holy Spirit is calling to give yourself completely into the hands of Jesus, will you do that?
On today's encore broadcast, Pastor Ray kicks off the study of the first Pilgrim in the scriptures, the one we call Abraham.
We are not saved or sanctified by hard work. It is all a work of faith in Jesus Christ. We must give up our lives but that does not merit anything of value.
Have you allowed Jesus to fully renovate your life? If not, listen to today's message and make a determination in your heart that you will be given fully into the hands of Jesus.
Is the cry of your heart, light the fire again or is there some other cry? The only way the Holy Spirit is when we recognize our condition and are willing to do whatever the Holy Spirit commands.
Have you been born of God? If that's the desire of your heart, Jesus wants to grant that desire. Hear the call to your heart in today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Where are your roots? That will reveal whether you are a Christian or not.
God comes in unexpected places to changes us, to transform us to comfort if we're willing to give ourselves into His hand for whatever HE desires...
Pastor Ray walks us through a day in the life of Jesus on today's Pilgrim's Progress...
Do you know the path to being born from above or born again? It begins with our utter poverty of spirit. Listen to Pastor Ray to find out more...
Find out how to become a Christian during today's message.
Find out what will qualify you for the kingdom or disqualify you for the kingdom of heaven as you listen to Pastor Ray today.