The Beauty of True Conversion

All illusion of ourselves are broken at the cross...
7-19-2017 The Beauty of True Conversion - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

True, immediate conversion is the most beautiful and joyful experience possible. A degraded sinner, under the condemnation and wrath of God, sees his guilt. Then, he sees Jesus–and his offer of mercy. Moved by great joy at the love of God, the sinner lays down his rebellion. He surrenders his entire life and being to the divine authority of God. In a moment, God forgives his sins and transforms the sinner into a holy citizen of heaven.

Conversion isn’t conquering one sin at a time. When you come to Jesus, you bring the whole mess before him and confess it in detail. In this place of total repentance and surrender, the Holy Spirit meets you and births you as a new creature in Christ. He changes you from a wicked sinner to a saint of glorious victory. As a gift of faith, the Holy Spirit makes you righteous in reality.

Is the beauty of true conversion your present experience with Jesus? Are you truly converted?