A young man stands indoors against a wooden wall, raising his hand, creating a dramatic effect.

Available to the Lord (2005 Sermon)

Are you available to the Lord at all times or are you available to the Lord only when you're free? Find out what it means to be available to the Lord on today's Pilgrim's Progress.

Scriptures Used in Today’s Message: Judges 13, Judges 14, Numbers 6

The question Pastor Ray poses during today’s encore sermon is whether or not you are available to the Lord. Are you like Samson or like Samuel? Note how one walks who is not available to the Lord (i.e. full of self-will, selfishness, lusts, whatever would benefit them but NOT full of sacrifice, the fruit of the Spirit, etc).

The Lord will use us to accomplish His purpose for our lives as we submit to Him and are available to Him, but He will also complete the same purpose if we are self-willed and defiant. The first way is the easy way, and the second is the hard way. Which way will you go today?

Right now, judge your own life and your own heart before Jesus. Have you been making yourself available to your own lust and your own darkness and your own bitterness to your own agenda? Or have you been making yourself available to the Holy Spirit?

Pastor Ray during today’s message

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