Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
What are you giving your life to (e.g. success, ambition, lust) or are you giving it to Jesus for His kingdom?
If you’re available for revival, you will no longer be available for time-wasting activities that do nothing to advance God’s kingdom. You give up spending your evenings watching the game, shopping, or hanging out with your friends. Instead, you pray for the lost, give to the poor, and encourage others to follow Jesus. You do whatever work the Holy Spirit would have you do for him.
Revival has many demands. In a revival, God may call you to translate Scripture, work for an orphanage, teach children, or help end sex trafficking. But the point is, for God to accomplish anything of value in you, you must first make yourself available.
If a revival were to begin today, would you be available to work in it?
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