Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Will you build a proper altar to the Lord Jesus and make a covenant to obey Him no matter what?
Are you willing to prepare for war as Gideon did knowing that will create much turmoil? It's time to get ready...
Are you prepared for war that is soon to be upon us? It's time to prepare our hearts and ensure that we're fully given into the hand of King Jesus.
The illusion of our spiritual life in America must be uncovered and all lukewarmness must be purged from our hearts.
Are you willing to cry out for revival in America and are you willing to participate in God's message of repentance to our nation?
Are you living a pig life or a life victorious in Jesus, free of sin? Your only hope is to surrender to Jesus will you do it?
Have been totally changed by Jesus? Have you prepared the way for the Lord by your repentance and obedience to Jesus?
What is pure religion before a Holy God or are you just a consumer, who talks a lot? True faith always bears fruit. There's a difference between saying and doing. Are you just a talker?
Today we meet a character named talkative, who represents much of today's modern church (and us at times), who likes and even sounds righteous but there's something amiss. Found out more today.
Are you agonizing and giving everything to follow Jesus or are you on the wrong road or do you even know??
How do we measure progress as we're on this journey toward the Celestial City? Find out on today's broadcast of Pilgrim's Progress.