Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
In our American culture, we're much like the rich young ruler and will we do as he did???
Listen to the story of Elisha and the shrinking process he underwent. Are you willing to undergo the same process?
The call is to awaken from slumber and no longer give any room to satan and his minions. Are you willing to cry out to Jesus?
Are you willing to search for the mind of God, regardless of the price you must pay in the process?
Join us for our weekly prayer meeting held live earlier this afternoon!
Are you an overcomer in Jesus? Are you willing to pay the price of an overcomer? That's the only path to vicctory...
Today's broadcast is the third in our series on Samson and deals with the divided heart. Is your heart divided???
Do you hear the call of the Holy Spirit to awaken from slumber?
The title will make sense once you listen to the message today. Are you willing to be awakened???
Our prayer meeting changed into a reading from the book Rees Howells, Intercessor.
Do you have a Godly fear of our Father or do you still have a heart of anger and bitterness?
Today's message is a warning to go away to the bottom and let Jesus have the victory. What will you dear one???