Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Is the joy of the Lord a palpable reality in your life as you submit to Him? Is that reality to you?
Although judgment has been pronounced over this nation, Jesus is calling you into his rest. Will you heed the call of the Holy Spirit today?
Pastor Ray led us on for our weekly live prayer meeting. He also offers an introduction to next week's broadcasts.
It's time to go into Canaan land. Will you listen to the message and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart?
Find out how we minister to the heart of God, something sorely lacking in today's modern church.
Have you decided to venture out on the promises of God? What does that require and what does it entail?
Have you given yourself totally in the hands of life come what may or are you still hedging your bets to find what will benefit you the most?
Join us for a powerful hour of prayer! We're live every Friday from 1-2 PM EST.
Are you like Mary, Martha and her friends who had an intellectual belief of God but God wants more than that from us. Will you give yourself utterly into the hands of Jesus?
Where is your hope placed and are you willing to wait for God to fulfill His purposes in your life? Join us today...
How do we leave a lifestyle of sin? What's the difference between being declared righteous and being made righteous?
Today's powerful message will set you free to those who desire to be free but our Bible language must be changed to comport with the scriptures, lest we believe lies.