A Barren Heart

Photo by Pexels

Know that God always bring barrenness as a means to grab our attention and secure our repentance. Will you get to God to find out what He wants from your life?

When All Hope Is Gone

Photo by Martijn Vonk

What do we do when all hope is gone? Do we get to Jesus and put all of our trust in Him or just give up? Listen to the story of Naaman today and put your trust in Jesus.

Bent Toward Heaven

Photo by Lukas B

Which way is your heart bent? Listen to this familiar parable that will make you consider where your heart is at and which way you're walking...

The Joy Of The King

Joy in Jesus Christ

Do you know that there was a pre-incarnate Jesus and that He is fully God as well? Pastor Ray walks us through some common errors that will lead us to hell...