Listen to today's message and ask Jesus to show you the true condition of your heart. Are you willing to do that?
Judgment begins in the house of God. Find out why Jesus is angry at the church and what He is calling us to do.
Hear the call to be on guard against the yeast of the Pharisees. Jesus contrasts this to being true disciples of Jesus.
Jesus is the one who makes the impossible possible but we must prepare to leave our "boat" (i.e. our place of comfort). Are you ready???
Do you know the path that you're on dear one and is there a possibility you're on the wrong path? Find out the differences between the broad road and the narrow road.
Is the cry of your heart, light the fire again or is there some other cry? The only way the Holy Spirit is when we recognize our condition and are willing to do whatever the Holy Spirit commands.
On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray walks us through the primary works (i.e. the truth) of the Holy Spirit, as laid out in the scriptures. Have you allowed the Holy Spirit access (i.e. conviction, repentance and full surrender) to your heart?
Are you willing to transition into the grief of God? Will you give God what he wants in your life, so that this can occur?
We've substituted intimacy with Jesus with rituals and that is contrasted today with Brother Bevington's life. Will you leave your sin and give your life fully to Jesus Christ?
Pastor Ray exposes some of the lies that many in the church believe but are only outs to avoiding the crucifixion. Will you be crucified with Christ?
Find out about divine healing on today's broadcast. Why do we not see many divine miracles in the church?
Today's message was an unexpected rebuke from the Holy Spirit to those of us who identify as Christians. Listen closely and respond as the Holy Spirit speaks through Pastor Ray.