Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Listen and rethink your view of the kingdom of God
Jesus is after people who will be fully given to Him, as Holy Ann was. Will you follow her steps of obedience?
Willing to wait on God?
How do we enter into this rest???
What does it actually mean to have your sins forgiven?
Powerful promise if you'll embrace it.
Which way will you go? Are you willing to cry out to Jesus to purge all unbelief in your heart?
Have you dealt with your pride in the desert?
Has God gone silent on you? If so, find out why...
Humility must be infused in the Christian life or we'll soon dry up...
The unconditional surrender is a call to all Christians everywhere.
What is the choking Christian from the parable of the sower? Don't let your responsibilities weigh you down!