Message Archives

The Gift of Shame (January 2017)

Precious one, have you resisted the cry of your conscience until it ceased, and then figured that everything was okay?

Winston Churchill and God’s Divine Plan (2015)

Have you decided to stand against the dark forces of this day?

Suffocating Indifference (2014)

Isn’t it time that the unholy trinity of me, myself, and I be fully crucified by Jesus? Will you cry

Hindrances to the Narrow Path (2008)

What will hinder someone from finding the narrow gate, entering the narrow path, and staying on it?

Venturing Out on the Promises of God (2008)

Practically, this means seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and trusting Jesus to give you exactly what

Choose to Be an Overcomer!

Your salvation depends on obeying and submitting to what the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart. Jesus said, “My sheep

Higher Ground!

Are you still living in the lowlands?

The Every Creature Vision

What is the Every Creature Vision?

That You May See!

Do you have eyes to see the condition of the church?

The Gift of Shame

What is this wonderful gift of shame?

Two Paths Clearly Marked (2008)

In spite of these clear markings, we may trick ourselves about which path we’re walking.

Nourishing Our Inner Life (2008)

Does selflessness and an entire consecration to Jesus underlay your righteous acts?

A Place of Standing (Encore Sermon Clip)

Jesus is not out to destroy you but rather to destroy the works of the devil.

Are You an Overcomer?

Are you an overcomer?

The Refiner’s Fire

Will you let Jesus sign the executive orders to release the Holy Spirit in your heart and block everything that

Putting Out the Fire of God

Like these early Christians, many in the modern American church, as well as much of the western world, have had

A Letter from God

When Jesus looks at our works, he will see us as hot, cold, or lukewarm. What does he see when

Resetting Our Moral Compass (Encore)

Will you let him take you low enough so that you will be compassionate to all people, and find great

The Place of Crushing–A Call to Holiness

The place of crushing is a place for all Christians to come.

Nothing Is Hidden from God

Will you spread your sin before the Lord now in deep repentance and a holy fear of God, that you

Will You Return ALL and Yield to Jesus NOW?

Have you returned to Jesus everything that you’ve stolen, and fully consecrated yourself to him? Or, do you still reserve