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Venturing Out on the Promises of God (2008)

Practically, this means seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and trusting Jesus to give you exactly what he wants you to have. Have you left the abuse of the devil and entered this blessed rest of Jesus?

Unlike contracts, covenants are confirmed with blood. The old covenant, with blood between God and Israel, required legal obedience under punishment of death. While the law says, “You have to stop what you’re doing wrong and try harder to do what’s right,” the new covenant contained in the blood of Jesus says, “Lay down distractions, busy-ness, and all other loves. Turn to the face of Jesus and ask to be his bride.Practically, this means seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and trusting Jesus to give you exactly what he wants you to have. Have you left the abuse of the devil and entered this blessed rest of Jesus?