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A Place of Standing (Encore Sermon Clip)

Jesus is not out to destroy you but rather to destroy the works of the devil.

As you decide to give yourself fully to Jesus, a great battle quickly ensues as satan and his minions pursue you to kill, steal, and destroy you. You must quickly recognize this and not only go to Jesus, but also remain in full submission to Him. Jesus is not out to destroy you but rather to destroy the works of the devil. Be encouraged to see the devil’s design, and make that determination in your heart to go all the way through with Jesus and allow Him to utterly transform you.

In this short clip from a sermon from our Brother David Sampson, he lays out the secret to this place of standing as the battle inevitably heats up. Be encouraged in the midst of the fire that you’re in, that Jesus loves you! (Note: The audio quality isn’t great, but don’t let that distract you as you listen.)