Message Archives

Three Faithful Wounds by A.W. Tozer

Are you willing to ask Jesus for three wounds as He is a faithful friend?

Just One Requirement For Revival In America

Are you willing to do an honest work of repentance that will bring revival? That will require you go to

A New Beginning of Obedience to Jesus – 2017

Our circumstances are much more desperate than when Pastor Ray preached this message five years ago but the message rings

Unity by the Blood of Jesus (2014)

Do you want out of the box you’re in, you must bring self-denial and a blood offering before the Lord?

Snake Bitten (2013 Sermon)

Have you utterly renounced that viper the snake and given yourself fully to Jesus?

If We Are Ever Going To Pray Now Is The Time

Will you join us in crying out for our desperate need for Jesus to intervene on our behalf?

Small Enough For God To Work

Are you small enough for God to intervene on your behalf??

I Come To You In Fear And Trembling

Are you walking before God in fear and trembling?

Hungry for More of Jesus (2006 Sermon)

What are you hungry for in your life for? Our actions reveal where our hunger lies…

One Life to Live (2013 Christmas Sermon)

We all have but one life to life and what will we do with that precious gift given to us

A Call to Anguish (2002)

Do you hear God’s call to anguish in your life?

It’s Time To Pray!

We had our Friday day of prayer on Thursday since the radio station will be closed tomorrow.

Will You Make Your Peace With God?

Have you made your peace with God?

This Christian Walk Is Not Complicated

A simple straightforward scriptural basis for what the Christian walk is all about. It’s NOT complex…

Leaving Your OLD Habit-beaten Path

We must be like the wise men and make the choice to leave our habit-beaten paths and seek after Jesus.

Jesus, Only Jesus As We Pray!

Only Jesus can deliver us as we cry out to Him!

Infirmities vs Sin Distinction

Simple distinctions between sin and infirmities…

Can You Afford The Price??

Can you afford the price that the gospel imposes upon us?? It’s not a cheap sentimental process but a dying

You Are Not Your Own!

Do you realize that you are NOT your own? Find out more in today’s broadcast.

The Strong Die Out Hard

Are you willing to relinquish your strength to Jesus?

Remember The Goal

Do you know the goal for God in your life and is that the focus of your life?