Message Archives

Do Not Force God to Leave You (November 2016)

This earth exists because God has preordained a church that will be made holy by faith–the question is, will you

Growing Up in Jesus (2010)

What does growing up in Jesus look like?

The Law of the Spirit of Life (2004)

What is the law of the Spirit of life?

Is Jesus Trying to Kill Me? (2009)

Listen to this powerful message to learn how to die to sin TODAY and walk in the freedom of Jesus!

Remember Lot’s Wife (2003)

Are you, like Lot’s wife, trying to get to heaven without any self-denial? Or are you sold out for Jesus?

A Christmas Gift from Jesus! (Encore)

Will you take Jesus at his word and receive this amazing gift this Christmas?

Giving up the Place of an Egyptian (Encore)

As Adam Clarke wrote, “So he that says the blood of Christ either cannot or will not cleanse us from

Choose to Be Wise (Encore)

Will you choose to be wise like these wise men were?

The Liquid Love of God

Will you, this Christmas, receive God’s gift to us in Christ, and allow the Holy Spirit to take possession of

Be Wise and Surrender to Jesus!

Do you respond like the wise men who put their faces on the ground before the newborn Jesus?

Jesus IS the Gospel!

Are you willing to lose your life for Jesus?

The Crooked Lane

Ignorance refused to be convinced that he would be unable to enter the Celestial City unless he was crucified with

Delectable Mountains (or, What Is Your Understanding of the Atonement?)

The Christian life was not intended to be a desert of struggle and despair until death. Just as Bunyan’s characters

Are You Dying in Doubting Castle?

Have you been sitting around in a dungeon of misery, worry, and despair while the Bible with its promises gathers

The Two-Fold Work of Jesus Christ

The atonement and its benefits are two distinct works that were prefigured by the two goats of the sin offering

Words of Life

Will you make the decision to be both thoughtful and deliberate in your speech, so that you remain in the

The Foundation of Prayer (Encore)

The foundation needed to prevail in prayer begins with repentance and being made righteous by faith in Christ.

Stop Fighting with the Devil! (2004)

Are you duck walking with Jesus? Do you have one foot in Jesus and one foot in the world?

Jesus IS the Atonement

An in-depth look at Scripture, …reveals that Jesus Christ is atonement and that he offered himself to forgive our past

Send the Rain!

Have you, by faith, been made righteous so that you can cooperate with Jesus in His revival plan?

Only a Single Seed (2005)

In today’s sermon, Pastor Ray focuses on what it means to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus,