Message Archives

Specific Prayer

Prayer is not a sentimental task but geared toward obtaining specific answers and direction from the Almighty.

Revival Prayer

Have you come to the end of yourself?

The Way of Ishmael (2004)

We must lay all our attempts to create something for God, apart from Him.

The Open Hand of God (2017)

Don’t delay in your repentance, the door of salvation is open to you!

A Place of Crushing

Have you been crushed at Gethsemane, resulting in a pouring out of the oil?

Birthing Revival

Are you a Hannah or an Eli? We’re called to be the bride of Christ, have you left the altar?

Build an Ark

Are you building that ark of safety and calling others to join you?

Breaking the Lethargy (2017)

Are you willing to ask Jesus you want this changed in your life?

You Would Kill Jesus

Is your pride blocking your way to Jesus and you’d rather kill Jesus than deal with it?

Over the Wall

Have you entered through the narrow gate or tried some other way to enter the kingdom of God?

The Complete Jesus (2017)

Are you a complete Christian? Don’t answer until you’ve listened to the message.

Rend the Heavens and Come Down

Why do things not seem to change within the church? Tired of the status quo?

God’s Stronghold

Powerful time of prayer!

What Makes God Angry? (2009)

The wickedness of gossip, which is a stench to Jesus…

Dressed in Rags

Are you dressed in rags and don’t even know it?

Wake Up!

Do you need revival and do you understand what that means?

Jesus, Redeemer and Judge

Jesus is still a redeemer but is coming as the judge of all the earth soon. Are you ready?

The Days of Elijah (2009)

Will you be a part of the Elijah company, understanding that it will cost you everything?

The Open Hand of God

Today is the day of salvation dear one…

What Is Your Heart Given To? (October 2017)

What is your heart given to (ambition, pride, taking care of your family, etc.)??

Access the Promises of God (2013)

Does Jesus answer your prayers?