Message Archives

The Entrance into the Kingdom of God

Have you entered through that narrow or groaning gate dear one? Jesus is calling you now dear one!

It’s Time to Pray

It’s time for us to pray as Bevington did…

God Can Save Anyone

NOTHING is impossible with God but you must meet the conditions for deliverances, are you willing?

(Part 2) The Pharisee and the Publican

The key to the publican’s walk was his willingness to humble himself and to be brutally honest? Is that you

The Pharisee and the Publican

Do you see the pride of the Pharisee? That’s the mountain that Jesus wanted to remove but they said no…

The Lamb of God

Have you become like Jesus, lamb-like in your behavior, actions, even your thoughts…

Take the Low Seat

We can never have enough humility in this journey to the Celestial City…

Breaking the Bondage of Self-Deception

Are you under self deception? It can be a hidden veil for pride and must be exposed.

The Making of a Man or Woman of God

Are you willing to made into a man or woman of God? God is willing to do it, if you’re

The Mote and the Beam

Are you willing to deal with the beam in your own eye, so that you can help a brother or

The Majestic Mercy of God

Does mercy triumph over judgment in your life?

Revival in the Home

The keys to revival in the home…

God’s Humility

See how Mary modeled humility, something we desperately need in this age…

How to Bear Fruit

Are you bearing the “fruit” of the Holy Spirit in your life? If you’re not, this will really help you.

Always Obey the Holy Spirit

Once on the highway (of holiness), we stay on it by always obeying the Holy Spirit through submission and an

Finding God’s Peace

God’s peace is available to you, if you meet the conditions…

A New Conviction of Sin

Using the story of Naaman as a model, learn how to cultivate a deeper conviction of sin.


We must first be Christians then Americans, this transition can be quite painful.

Stand by the Facts

Take courage to stand in the truth of the Gospel!

You Can’t Get Out the Way You Got In

A clear message to anyone struggling in sin, you must get out now by the blood of Jesus and a

The Danger of Self Love (2004)

There is a way out of this self-centered culture!