a person standing on top of a sandy hill

Strain Every Nerve

The title is part of Jesus' answer to the question in Luke 13 to "Will only a few people be saved?" Don't blow by the message but ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you listen.
9-19-2024 - Strain Every Nerve

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Luke 13:22-34, Matthew 7

Pastor Ray focuses on this question raised by a dear un-named person in Luke 13:22. Only those who humbled their hearts and fully gave everything into the hands of Jesus will be saved. Here’s how Pastor Ray said this one time during the message:

“There’s only one way to come to Jesus. And that’s with a humble heart. That’s with a heart full of grief and remorse for my sin.”

Pastor Ray during today’s message

Does your life reflect that you’ve surrendered everything to Jesus or are you simply fooling yourself? We pray this message will sufficiently disturb you into seeking after Jesus with all your heart. In that place dear one, you will find Him. Jesus is calling you out of all self-deception.

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