Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the multitude. So they all ate and were filled, and twelve baskets of the leftover fragments were taken up by them.
Have you been melted down before Jesus or is your heart dead full of religion but no passion before King Jesus? Jesus will change this in you if you're willing to heed today's message.
Have you attempted to use Jesus to get something from Him (to be a success, to be somebody)? The way through with Jesus is the way of the cross to humble ourselves before Him.
Has you been weighed in the balance and found wanting (or lacking) because you've not taken this walk with Jesus seriously and you've loved other things more than Him?
Pastor Ray goes to the story of the Samaritan woman at the well to ask the question of us are you thirsty for Jesus or do you have another lover (pleasure, entertainment, achievement, etc.)?
Have you made an unconditional surrender to the Holy Spirit? Listen as Pastor Ray walks us through the story of Rees Howell in his struggle to make this surrender.
It seems like this is a lesson that we must learn many, many times before it "takes hold" in our spirit. Will you stop trying to be God and let Jesus take control of your life?
We find in today's broadcast a model of a godly marriage by a man and woman, who want to please the living God of heaven. Is that your heart and do your actions reflect it?
Most of us have thought that little things don't really matter but that's not true, especially in our walk with the Lord God of Heaven. Find out more as you listen to today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Will you put all of your confidence in Jesus that it's beginning to rain, even though it may feel the polar opposite is true? Stay on God's side and trust Him to rescue you!