Eating Like A KingHave you decided that you want Jesus and nothing else? Listen closely to this message from John Chapter 6.Pastor RayDecember 12, 2023Deeper LifeRead MoreEating Like A King
Don’t Miss God’s Sign PostThis is a critical teaching today on God's sign posts that He provides to us. Don't miss God's sign post, it can be exceedingly painful!Pastor RayDecember 11, 2023ProphecyRead MoreDon’t Miss God’s Sign Post
How to Turn Victory Into Defeat YouTube (2005)Have you turned victory into defeat by stealing or hiding something from Jesus?Pastor RayDecember 8, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreHow to Turn Victory Into Defeat YouTube (2005)
The Bread Of LifeHave you seen Jesus as the bread of life as He has broken through the physical realm from the spirit realm?Pastor RayDecember 7, 2023Christian LifeRead MoreThe Bread Of Life
The Work on Earth Will Be DonePastor Ray walks us through the end of Revelation and the coming of a new heaven and earth!Pastor RayDecember 6, 2023ProphecyRead MoreThe Work on Earth Will Be Done
I Was Born For Higher GroundDo you hear the call of the Spirit to your heart today to get to higher ground? Find out what they means to you as you listen along today.Pastor RayDecember 5, 2023Deeper LifeRead MoreI Was Born For Higher Ground
The Simple Act Of ForgivenessWill you forgive without limit, as Jesus has done for you (if you're a question)? Pastor Ray walks us through the parable of the unforgiving servant today on Pilgrim's Progress.Pastor RayDecember 4, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Simple Act Of Forgiveness
The Hugging ProphetListen to the story of an Old Testament prophet who was transformed by the power of God.Pastor RayDecember 1, 2023TestimoniesRead MoreThe Hugging Prophet