Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Is your life found in Jesus or is it in the culture in some form or fashion?
God is after your allegiance to Him but if we won't do that, then God will use our rebellion to further His kingdom.
Have you been established by the love of God, not in greasy grace which is permissive but the real powerful love of God? That's the call of God to you today!
Are you hot, cold or lukewarm toward Jesus? May your heart melt as you listen to the live prayer today.
In our age, many will be deceived but the heart of Jesus is to fully rescue you. Are you willing to hear today's word of the Lord to your heart?
Are you still a foolish, disobedient and deceived one or are you one who is willing to give themselves fully to Jesus? If you've not made that decision, today is the day of salvation!
On today's broadcast, Pastor Ray lays out the gospel according to the scriptures. May the Holy Spirit open your ears as you listen!
The call of the Holy Spirit is to get into line with Jesus,. This message will encourage you to fully give yourself to Jesus. Are you willing to give up your place in the world?
Have you made that once for all decision to give yourself fully into the hands of Jesus?
You have been given a front row seat to the coming return of Jesus. Listen to today's message as Pastor Ray unfolds the word of God.