Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Do you know that God is a jealous God? Listen to the message to more fully understand.
Is there any middle ground in your heart which needs to be yielded to Jesus?
Our live prayer meeting from 1-2 PM on Fridays.
Have you refused to go to Mt. Sinai and are you lost in your religion?
Have you rejected the gospel of Jesus and are you willing to repent of this love of the world?
Do you see the great need for prayer in America or are you simply a deist or an atheist at heart?
Are you a deist at heart or do you truly believe in Jesus?
Are you willing to meet the conditions for remarkable miracles in your life?
Listen today to learn how to walk through the burning desert with Jesus!
Can you trust Jesus as your provision? We must step out of God's way for Him to provide!