Oh America, Why Will You Die?Judgment begins in the house of God, can you see it?Pastor RayApril 14, 2020ProphecyRead MoreOh America, Why Will You Die?
Chased by the LawAre you being chased by the law?Pastor RayApril 13, 2020Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreChased by the Law
Blow the Trumpet in Zion!It's time to blow the trumpet in Zion...Pastor RayApril 10, 2020Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreBlow the Trumpet in Zion!
The Lord is My ShepherdIs Jesus your shepherd?Pastor RayApril 9, 2020Deeper LifeRead MoreThe Lord is My Shepherd
The Two WitnessesReady for this powerful proclaimation of the two witnesses?Pastor RayApril 8, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Two Witnesses
Coming, the Mark of the BeastWill you take the mark of the beast?Pastor RayApril 7, 2020ProphecyRead MoreComing, the Mark of the Beast
The Spirit of BabylonDo you see the spirit of Babylon in operation in America?Pastor RayApril 6, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Spirit of Babylon
The Hour of God’s JudgmentDo you hear the call to repent?Pastor RayApril 2, 2020Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Hour of God’s Judgment
A Trip to the Potter’s HouseAre you malleable under the hand of the potter?Pastor RayApril 1, 2020Deeper LifeRead MoreA Trip to the Potter’s House