The Glory of God!Have you made a covenant with Jesus to be brutally honest with Jesus... about everything.Pastor RayJune 18, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreThe Glory of God!
Put Off the Old ManAre you willing to put off the old and put on the new man?Pastor RayJune 17, 2019Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MorePut Off the Old Man
Valley of the Shadow of DeathStay close to Jesus during these valleys as the devil will attempt to take you out.Pastor RayJune 14, 2019Spiritual BattleRead MoreValley of the Shadow of Death
Our Leap of Faith!It's time for that leap of faithPastor RayJune 13, 2019Christian LifeRead MoreOur Leap of Faith!
Knowing JesusHave you been crucified with Christ (for real)??Pastor RayJune 12, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreKnowing Jesus
Hungry For More of Jesus!What is your heart hungry for?Pastor RayJune 10, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreHungry For More of Jesus!
Two Paths Clearly Marked – 2008Which path are you on?Pastor RayJune 7, 2019TeachingRead MoreTwo Paths Clearly Marked – 2008
The Name of Jesus!Do you need Jesus to calm the storm in your life?Pastor RayJune 6, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreThe Name of Jesus!
A Disciple of JesusWhat really is a disciple of Christ?Pastor RayJune 5, 2019New Birth and RestorationRead MoreA Disciple of Jesus
Dig Deeper!Pastor Ray calls us to dig a bit deeper.Pastor RayJune 4, 2019Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreDig Deeper!
What Flows Out From Your Life?What flows out your life?Pastor RayJune 3, 2019Christian LifeRead MoreWhat Flows Out From Your Life?
The Promise That Comes by Faith – 2011Have you received that precious promise of righteousness or innocence in your life?Pastor RayMay 31, 2019Christian LifeRead MoreThe Promise That Comes by Faith – 2011