The Greatest Story Ever ToldWhy is this the greatest story ever told?Pastor RayJuly 31, 2017TestimoniesRead MoreThe Greatest Story Ever Told
The Journey HomeDo you want Jesus to find you? If so, will you confess your sin to him? Then he will clean you, dress you in righteousness, and bring you home!Pastor RayJuly 27, 2017TestimoniesRead MoreThe Journey Home
Jesus, Come Find Me!Jesus Christ is diligently searching for you. His heart is to rescue you from sin. If you let him, he will find you. Pastor RayJuly 26, 2017Christian LifeRead MoreJesus, Come Find Me!
Settled in Your HeartAre you done with "your life" and finally willing to say yes to Jesus?Pastor RayJuly 25, 2017Christian LifeRead MoreSettled in Your Heart
Acts of the Holy SpiritHave you said yes to Jesus?Pastor RayJuly 24, 2017Deeper LifeRead MoreActs of the Holy Spirit
A Terrifying Message from Jesus (2009)This is the gospel, may it be terrifying to you as it was to us...Pastor RayJuly 21, 2017Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreA Terrifying Message from Jesus (2009)
A Converted ManHave you truly been converted?Pastor RayJuly 20, 2017New Birth and RestorationRead MoreA Converted Man
The Beauty of True ConversionAll illusion of ourselves are broken at the cross...Pastor RayJuly 19, 2017New Birth and RestorationRead MoreThe Beauty of True Conversion
True ConversionStill a sinner? You can't save yourself, the gospel is not self-help but you must repent...Pastor RayJuly 18, 2017New Birth and RestorationRead MoreTrue Conversion
Revival in AmericaDo you earnestly want revival in America?Pastor RayJuly 17, 2017Spiritual BattleRead MoreRevival in America
Be Ye Holy! (May 2017)God said, “Be ye holy, for I am holy.” This command is for the present time. And, a command from God is an implied promise for its fulfillment.Pastor RayJuly 14, 2017Spiritual BattleRead MoreBe Ye Holy! (May 2017)
God CAN Manage Your LifeIf you've said yes to Jesus, He will manage your life and that won't be pretty unless you align your will with His.Pastor RayJuly 13, 2017Deeper LifeRead MoreGod CAN Manage Your Life