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The Testimony of Righteousness

Enire sanctification is not some mystical experience: it is simply a covenant confirmed with Jesus that, "I disown my life, and I will receive from Jesus only what he chooses to give me."

1-11-2017 "In Covenant with Jesus" - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

In this vulnerable testimony, Pastor Ray shares his experience of entire sanctification. Entire sanctification is not some mystical experience: it is simply a covenant confirmed with Jesus that, “I disown my life, and I will receive from Jesus only what he chooses to give me.” As we deny ourselves the right to provide for ourselves, the Holy Spirit leads us down a path of suffering that eradicates selfishness and produces real righteousness. Have you made this covenant with Jesus? Are you living by faith that, if you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, everything will be added to you? Or is your life still filled with what you’ve created?