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Don’t Let Circumstances Turn Your Heart from Jesus (Encore)

Ignorance is simply unacceptable as the Holy Spirit will teach us to pray. It’s not a time to turn from God because He won’t do what we want, the cry of our hearts must be “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done” regardless of what that will cost us.

Today’s broadcast was the last in a mini-series of sorts from Norman Grubb’s book, “Rees Howells: Intercessor.” These messages were originally recorded shortly before the last Presidential election and we see the palpable increase of wickedness over these last four years. It’s time for us to get a hold of God and pray before it’s too late but that takes a willingness to allow Jesus to create a foundation of faith in our hearts as we fully surrender and are crucified with Him. Ignorance is simply unacceptable as the Holy Spirit will teach us to pray. It’s not a time to turn from God because He won’t do what we want, the cry of our hearts must be “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done” regardless of what that will cost us.