We Must Decrease in the Garden of Gethsemane

Is your heart utterly been given to Jesus?
03-24-2016  We Must Decrease in the Garden of Gethsemane -Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

Pastor Ray talks about the familiar story of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane but please be cognizant of two things to consider as you listen:

  1. Prayerfully listen and consider the story afresh,
  2. Honestly face before God any divide between what you think you may know and how you actually live.

In addition, he provides a more experiential definition of theology that you should consider as well, rather than the cultural “head knowledge” that can lead to great revelation but little love, only condemnation toward others. Here’s a brief explanation of this experiential study of theology.

  1. Confession of truth (who is Jesus) received by revelation (i.e. a rhema word),
  2. Reflecting on this revelation and how it impacts your life (i.e. What does Jesus want from my life (practically speaking)?)
  3. Putting into practice what you’ve been taught (i.e. congruence, your walk and talk must fully match).

Where is your heart today, have you been utterly given over to Jesus?