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Have you made a once-for-all decision to leave all sin NOW? God is angry with every sinner and He has provided freedom through the blood of Jesus, if we're willing to repent and forsake our sin. What will you do dear one?
11-30-2022 - You Must LEAVE YOUR SIN NOW

Have you come out of the world and left your sin behind? Hear the call of the Holy Spirit today as Pastor Ray walks us through a number of scriptures. Have you left everything behind? The only way to leave the “old man” behind, as well as any addiction, is by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, it’s not by white-knuckling or self effort. This requires an honest confession of everything all the way to the bottom.

Have you allowed the Holy Spirit to take you all the way to the bottom to uncover your ways? This will happen as we seek after Jesus with all of our hearts!