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Will God Answer Your Prayer?

Will God answer your prayer before Him or are there blocks that perhaps you cannot even see. We challenge you to listen and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
8-13-2024  - Will God Answer Your Prayer?

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Matthew 6

Pastor Ray lays out the necessity of a humble and contrite spirit (to quote King David) to have God answer our prayers. This humble and contrite spirit will walk us through very deep waters as the Holy Spirit uncovers the bitterness and anger of our hearts, perhaps the harsh critical spirit. He lays this out clearly from the Beatitudes as well and goes on to contrast between those who have their prayers answered and those who do not using a store from our dear Brother Bevington from the book Remarkable Miracles.

This humility of heart is also necessary to pour out to others and comes out of a deep brokenness and contrition that’s quite literally all-pervasive. It’s a must-listen broadcast today if you’re serious about getting your prayers answered.