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What Is The Spirit Saying?

On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Pastor Ray weaves elements from two of the seven churches together to lay out what is coming upon this nation very soon.
8-20-2024    What Is The Spirit Saying

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Revelation 2, 2 Peter 2

On today’s broadcast Pastor Ray talks about the messages to the churches of Pergamum and Smyrna, which are directly related to what the church is facing her in America. The issue is suffering, persecution, poverty, pain is headed our way and we’ve lived under the illusion that everything was going to continue to get better and better.

God uses these very difficult circumstances to draw our hearts nearer to Jesus, or will use them (perhaps both) to sift us to see whether we will remain true to our Lord Jesus. Is your heart ready for what Jesus will soon be allowing upon the earth? Do you wish to avoid the second death that Jesus references here in Revelation? Let Jesus have his way and submit to Him, come what may, He loves you…