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Walking with Jesus (2012)

Practical advice about the spirit of prayer, if we are to reach people for Jesus via the throneroom.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ felt an agony of prayer for the lost. So how are we to experience this burden of prayer?

Simply, this burden comes from 1) reading Scripture, 2) reflecting on what we read, 3) obeying what we read. Through Scripture, the Holy Spirit will reveal the desperate state of the lost. As you reflect, you will recognize and feel that the salvation of the world depends on your actions. The eternal destinies of others depends on you. Thus, a great crushing will come upon you and lead you into prevailing prayer.

In this place, the circumstances of your life will have no power to crush you. Instead, the absence of Holy Ghost revival will crush you. Will you let this become your Christian experience?