There are indeed two altars and the altar of Ba'al is where most in America worship at. Find out what that is and what the other altar is on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Primary Scriptures Used During Today’s Encore Sermon: 1 Kings 18
Today’s message is about two altars, the altar of Ba’al which oftentimes represents prosperity. At its core, it’s all about what I want, what I desire vs. the altar where it’s about what Jesus wants, what Jesus desires. Which altar do you worship at?
Baal’s altar is always identified by one very simple test. Baal’s altar is always identified by self-desire. Jesus, I need you to come and bless me. I need you to come and answer my prayers. I need you to come and give me the fullness of the Holy Spirit. I need this Jesus. I need it. I want it. I desire it. Baal’s altar is always about I want, my desire.
Pastor Ray during today’s message
Baal’s altar is always about what I want. It can be religious or it can be totally non-religious, but it’s always about what I want. It always has to fit into my schedule. – Pastor Ray during today’s message
See, this Baal altar is all about convenience. No sacrifice. No sacrifice of time or money. No sacrifice of pleasure. No sacrifice of love. No sacrifice of contentment.