vain, A young woman in a blue suit exhibits confidence with a relaxed pose against a blue background.

Get Past Your Pride – (2005 Sermon)

We are very proud people as Americans and God always opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Which camp are you in today?

Primary Scriptures Used During Today’s Message – 2 Chronicles 32, the story of King Hezekiah begins in 2 Chronicles 29

There’s an issue that is so hard to get past, and that’s our pride. It’s reflected in all of how we live, what we think about, where we go, how we walk. It’s reflected in our facial expression. It’s reflected in our decisions and our choices. It’s kissing cousins with self-love. except pride is that outward manifestation of self-love.

Pastor Ray during today’s encore message

Pastor Ray lays out a story to illustrate our great need to overcome our pride. Our focus has to become humble before God and each other and seek after Jesus for what He desires. That’s the only way to overcome our pride.

We then go to the story of Hezekiah, which is incredible in one way. He humbled his heart, and God moved in incredible power to deliver, but at the end of the story, God uncovered Hezekiah’s hidden vestige of pride. That’s where the Lord wants to take us and uncover any hidden pride. Are you willing for Him to do that? He won’t ask your permission if you’re His servant, but He definitely will uncover your pride.

May Jesus have the victory in our hearts as we submit to Him.