Message Date and Title Only

Title and Date Only for Messages

Rescued 2004 (! or ?)


In the Middle of Failure


Submitting Takes Time


Laughing at God?


What It Means to Pray Through – B.H. Clendennen (1975)


Believe the LORD!


Submit to God


My Sin


Friendship with Jesus


Like Jesus


Everything Is Not About You


Christ In You


Peace through His Blood


Knowledge Puffs Up


Breaking the Power of Jezebel


Peter Denies Jesus




Jesus Anointed in Bethany


Jesus Wept


The Dangers of Cave Life – 2004


The End of the Age


Have Faith in God


Blind Bartimaeus Prayed in Faith


Do You Want to Be a Servant?


Follow Jesus


Entering into the Sufferings of Christ


Do Not Fret


The Greatest of These Is Love


Is It Impossible to Follow Jesus?


Keep On Asking


Your Guilt Is Taken Away


Don’t Believe the Lie of Your Own Truth – 2015


No Condemnation


Shipwrecked 2005


Fighting with God
