Message Date and Title Only

Title and Date Only for Messages

The Glory Of God Will Come


Pray Out The Hindrances To The Holy Spirit


Meeting the Real Jesus


The Overshadowing Presence of God


Come, Please Pray!


The Forces of Evil Are Gathering


Are You Blocked Out of God’s Presence?


The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength!


Has the Devil Deceived You?


The Fullness of the Beatitudes – 2017 Rebroadcast


Absolute Surrender – 2017


The Voice of God in the Storm!


Jesus WiLL ANSWER Your Prayer!


The Midnight Hour (Prayer Meeting)


The Beginning of the Great Argentine Revival – 2018


Suffocating Indifference – 2014


Violence in the City


Avenge Me of My Adversary


Called to be Free




The Rejected Blessing


How Real Do You Want God To Be?


The Terrible Day of the Lord!


Brace Yourself!


It Is Time to Agonize in Prayer


The Brakes Are Off


Facing the Giants


You Must Have A Deep Inner Calling


The Encouragement of God


The Chaff He Will Burn


I Am Angry, I’ve Had Enough!


We Will Pay the Price For Our Sin


Victory Through Submission


How Shall We Pray?


Why Will Ye Die?
