Photo by Gus Moretta

The Simple Act Of Forgiveness

Will you forgive without limit, as Jesus has done for you (if you're a question)? Pastor Ray walks us through the parable of the unforgiving servant today on Pilgrim's Progress.
12-04-2023 - The Simple Act Of Forgiveness

In today’s simple message, Pastor Ray lays out the need for unconditional forgiveness, the 70×7 times (or an unlimited amount of forgiveness). It’s the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew Chapter 18. Are you willing to forgive others for whatever offenses others have done to you? Without forgiveness, the mercy of God will not flow in our hearts and we’ll be filled with bitterness and pain and our walk with Jesus will stagnate. Are you willing to forgive as you have asked Christ to forgive you?

Simple Act of Forgiveness Short #pilgrimsprogress