
The Path Into The Heart Of Jesus

Do you know the road into the heart of Jesus? Find out today as Pastor Ray walks us through Psalm 51...
6-13-2023 -  The Path Into The Heart Of Jesus

Pastor Ray, using the familiar passage of Psalm 51, identifies the hidden American sin through waywardness, iniquity and numbness. We must ask the Holy Spirit to identify these things in our hearts, lest we inadvertently end up in hell. The path to the heart of Jesus always begins with repentance. Are you willing to ask the Holy Spirit to uncover your heart from His perspective?

Waywardness – the quality of being wayward (= doing only what you want, in a way that is  difficult to control):

Cambridge Dictionary

All iniquity, all waywardness and all numbness must be uncovered, repented of and forsaken to allow God to moan over us. Don’t be deterred but press in now, we need Jesus, lest we perish…Will you wake up now dear one?

Iniquity (from the Old Testament) – A go to sin (i.e. a besetting sin, Brother Ed’s addition)

Pastor Ray during today’s broadcast