The Unfinished Work (October 2016)Jephthah's daughter's walk at the end of her life describes the process we must go through as go as we are crucified with Christ.Pastor RayNovember 25, 2016Spiritual BattleRead MoreThe Unfinished Work (October 2016)
Healing the Pains of the Past (2008)Know today that the heart of Jesus is to heal the pains of your heart and this simply requires repentance and forgiveness, leading to full submission to Him.Pastor RayNovember 18, 2016Christian LifeRead MoreHealing the Pains of the Past (2008)
A Letter from the DevilHas satan wrecked your life and then blamed it on God?Pastor RayNovember 10, 2016LiesRead MoreA Letter from the Devil
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God!God promises no mercy to those who are in sin and simply want to wallow in it.Pastor RayNovember 9, 2016Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreSinners in the Hands of an Angry God!
Awake, O Sleeper!Without revival, America is finished but the heart of Jesus is to rescue the church in its slumber.Pastor RayNovember 7, 2016Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreAwake, O Sleeper!
The Grief of God’s HeartAs God was grieved over the Eli church, He is greatly grieved over the modern American Eli Church and the call is for us to enter His grief.Pastor RayNovember 6, 2016Deeper LifeRead MoreThe Grief of God’s Heart
Married to the Devil?Are you willing to end the wasted years you’ve spent being married to the devil or perhaps trying to be married to both at the same time?Pastor RayNovember 4, 2016Spiritual BattleRead MoreMarried to the Devil?
The Common GospelEternal life is a free gift, but it's not imaginary: you must be made righteous through faith.Pastor RayNovember 3, 2016LiesRead MoreThe Common Gospel
Dealing with Our Hatred for GodAmerica’s moral decline has one root: enmity against God.Pastor RayOctober 17, 2016Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreDealing with Our Hatred for God
The Narrow Path to Power (August 21, 2016)Are you willing to pay the price for God to bring revival? Or will you be content to watch everyone you know go down to hell?Pastor RayOctober 12, 2016Christian LifeRead MoreThe Narrow Path to Power (August 21, 2016)
How to Turn Victory into Defeat (2005)Have you hid anything (an unclean thing, an unclean attitude or perhaps a pet sin) from the all-seeing eye of the Holy Spirit?Pastor RayOctober 8, 2016LiesRead MoreHow to Turn Victory into Defeat (2005)
Taking the Kingdom by Force (July 9, 2012)The kingdom of heaven will not just fall into our laps--it must be taken by force! Take up your courage, and press into Jesus!Pastor RayOctober 5, 2016Spiritual BattleRead MoreTaking the Kingdom by Force (July 9, 2012)