The Entrance Into the Kingdom of GodHave you entered through the narrow gate? Is the living water flowing from within you?Pastor RayDecember 9, 2022New Birth and RestorationRead MoreThe Entrance Into the Kingdom of God
What Do You Want From Jesus?What do you want from Jesus??Pastor RayOctober 6, 2022Deeper LifeRead MoreWhat Do You Want From Jesus?
Worship In Spirit And TruthAre you walking in Spirit and Truth? Find out today what that actually means as you listen to our broadcast today! It's not some intellectual understanding you need dear one...Pastor RayOctober 5, 2022Deeper LifeRead MoreWorship In Spirit And Truth
God Leaves Nothing To ChanceFind out that God leaves nothing to chance. He is a person with a distinct personality.Pastor RayOctober 4, 2022Christian LifeRead MoreGod Leaves Nothing To Chance