Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
The call of the Spirit is to awaken from our slumber and fight against the wickedness in our modern church that result in lukewarmness.
How do we measure progress as we're on this journey toward the Celestial City? Find out on today's broadcast of Pilgrim's Progress.
We've just begun to enter the great shakings as God is very serious about having a people fully given to Him.
Are you concerned about the moral failure of America or is there a deadness in your heart that you don't know why? Join us for our live weekly prayer meeting.
Do you know the goal for God in your life and is that the focus of your life?
Do you know the bitterness and sweetness that comes in this walk with Jesus?
Are you taking the battle for your soul seriously or are you being casual? We must fight and trust Jesus.
Has Jesus broken the bondage of pride in your heart?