Has God Turned His Back On You?The title asks the question you need to consider today, has God turned His back on you? If the answer is yes, know that God's intent to use famine to draw your heart back to Him.Pastor RaySeptember 23, 2024Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreHas God Turned His Back On You?
The Divine Influence of Grace (2009)How have you responded to the divine influence of grace in your life? Know that TODAY is the day of salvation dear one...Pastor RaySeptember 15, 2022TestimoniesRead MoreThe Divine Influence of Grace (2009)
Weep And Wail You ShepherdsFound out today the primary sin that is the basis of God's judgment against America, especially the church.Pastor RayJune 15, 2022Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreWeep And Wail You Shepherds
The Ugliness Of Starvation Coming To AmericaDo you see the spiritual famine we're in that's devolving into a physical famine? We're in trouble, will you cry out to Jesus?Pastor RayMay 5, 2022ProphecyRead MoreThe Ugliness Of Starvation Coming To America